Tall and Smart
The article deals with selecting the best structural and architectural solutions existing in the world high-rise construction practice as exemplified by Lakhta Center - a new high-rise complex being under construction in Saint Petersburg. Performing intricate and unconventional construction operations and creating basic complex elements are considered from the point of cost optimization and construction delivery time with account of advent of new technologies and materials, as well as specifics of Russian Building Code and Regulations (SNiPs).
The landmark buildings form unique appearance of cities and promote their business images. High-rise buildings in a metropolitan city emphasize the level of business development including construction industry. It is impossible to erect a skyscraper without well-qualified engineers and workers, modern technologies, construction materials, logistics, and engineering infrastructure.
High-rise construction stimulates economic, educational, research and technological development and encourages people to create new construction technologies and materials. In other words, it is a key to the innovative development of the industry and the country.
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Materials provided by MFC Lakhta Center, JSC Text by Tatyana Vilde