Main Construction Towards a Post-Fossil Architecture

Towards a Post-Fossil Architecture

Towards a Post-Fossil Architecture

The Swiss population has decided to become more energy independent and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. A large part of the implementation of these goals falls on buildings. At least 40-60% of the total resource consumption depends on the real estate sector. This tells us architects and developers that we should look into it! But today, discussions about the future are primarily about technology - hardly about design, form and material. As young Swiss architects, we wondered whether the sustainability goals could be form-generating? JOM Architekten’s specialists summarized their findings on the implementation of post-fossil architecture and developed a future-orientated design for a wooden high-rise building. The innovation proposed by JOM Architekten is called - Timber Structures 3.0 and this is a completely new technology that allows creating thin, high-performance wood structures that can withstand multiaxial stress.


Last year, at the lecture in Eka­therinburg Stefan Oeschger, Partner & Co-Founder of JOM Architekten talked about the ten points for a post-fossil architecture and illustrate them with examples from JOM Architects. He focused on wooden constructions, as he believes that one day this will be of great importance for Russia.

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strelka Materials provided by JOM Architekten; Text: Stefan Oeschger, Stefan Zöllig, Andrea Frangi, Steffen Franke, Marcel Muster