Main International overview Structural Morphology and Computing

Structural Morphology and Computing

Structural Morphology and Computing

We live in the era of the global transformation of the world when the conventional perception of norms, boundaries of what is allowed and desired, undergoes significant changes and, moreover, this is happening all at once in many facets of life of the modern society. In some spheres these changes are dramatic and in the others not so appreciable, but within the last 30 years both the society and our perception of the world have clearly changed. As a result, the architecture has taken on new functions. In the new informationoriented society have taken place such changes of architectural perception, which require several stages of comprehension of realities.

In modern architecture we can distinguish three stages of the search of answers to the challenges of the time:
1. The architecture of postmodernism;
2. The architecture of deconstructionism;
3. Non-linear architecture.

We referred to the special features of high-rise construction within these schools in more detail in the articles of the previous year.

Following the new perception of the role of architecture in the society the very essence of the structure has changed: it is not just an element of spatial geometry, but a fully functioning environment. In its turn, this approach means that for a particular building the concept of time has started working in a different way. It is not only the initially set parameters of the building but its constant interaction with the environment that greatly influences the perception and operation of a certain structure. Modern architects are supposed to provide adequate solutions to the new set of requirements in order to realize ecoand energy-saving ideas.

During the search it is typical to refer to the related disciplines, fields of knowledge that help to form new principles of one’s own professional store of skills. The architectural language of today is formed with the active use of concepts and methods that are drawn by architects from philosophy, sociology, economics, etc. Most modern construction technologies and many architectural trends are initially based on numerous interdisciplinary relations. It is impossible to imagine the same bionic architecture without the principles and laws of the nature, and without engineering design. In this respect high-rise construction is the most advanced customer, generator and user of the large number of developments that have been carried out by modern experts in these areas.

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strelka Text: Marianna Maevskaya