Main Construction Aluminium Profile in Architectural Lightning Engineering

Aluminium Profile in Architectural Lightning Engineering

Aluminium Profile in Architectural Lightning Engineering

The aluminium profile for LED application has already obtained a wide spread in Europe and USA . The Russian LED market is behind the western in whole and we can say that it is in a formation stage. However, a trend to apply the aluminium profile in the LED engineering is obvious like a development of the LED market.

Aluminium profiles offered by the company TATPROF for the LED industry have a wide range of application and can be used almost in all types of LED luminaires. They are luminaires and projectors for outside and inside lightning, architectural illumination, lamps for industrial and office premises, street, antivandal and explosionproof luminaires. The profile can be applied for assembly of flexible and stiff LED bands requiring a special fastener system since it isn’t enough just to attach the band. Together with the aluminium profile application the boldest design ideas can be realized in the lighting engineering. Mounting, cutting-in, corner and suspended versions of profile can be completed by LEDs of necessary brightness and original design; it permits to assemble them on the most prestige objects. That is why the aluminium profile obtains more and more spread in the architectural engineering.

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strelka Materials provided by TATPROF JSC, Photos by FOCUS Ltd., Friazino (Moscow region), Ledel Ltd., Kazan