Transparent on Translucent
For many years engineers of the production and design department “Aluterra SK” Ltd. have accumulated an experience aimed at solving tasks related to the architectural and building design of facades as complex engineering systems functioning as envelope of buildings on the high modern level.
Traditionally the company “Aluterra SK” gives a lot of attention to the quality of goods produced and it presupposes technology, safety and legal validity of accepted design decisions. Our specialists are continuously looking for the most optimal decisions for different engineering tasks in the field of modern facade design. One of the most important tasks in the translucent facade design is to choose a glass thickness for translucent structure. In the article we share our experience of solving engineering tasks which aren’t enough structured from our point of view. Let’s examine several approaches in the context of the existing normative base of RF and EU. A special attention we will give to methods of selection a required thickness for glasses in glass packet.
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Text by VIKTOR RAZUVAEV, manager of production and design department “Aluterra SK” Ltd.