Main Architecture and design Bundled Towers

Bundled Towers

Bundled Towers

The September 11, 2001 is an indelible tragedy imprinted into human memory. The events are reconstructed quite definetely: the kidnapped aircraft impacts the WTC 2 at 08:46 AM . Seventeen minutes later the second aircraft piloted by terrorists crushed into the WTC 1. In the WTC 2 all escape paths over the point of impact were destroyed, and 1344 of people were trapped, 600 more lives were lost outright or jammed amongst the debris of the WTC 1, which collapsed at 9:58 AM. The WTC 2 came down at 10:28 AM . The attack entailed collapse or further demolition of all seven buildings of the complex. The WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapse was caused by of aircraft impacts and subsequent fires, whilst the WTC 7 was not attacked; it was severely hit by debris, as well as Marriott Hotel. The other three buildings lad been damaged so that they were recognized as unserviceable and demolished later on. The irreparably injured 40-storeyed building of Deutsche Bank is also subject to demolition.

After the World Trade Center fall there was a lot of debate concerning future designation of the site. The first drafts had been submitted almost immediately, and by 2002 the New York Port Authority, patronizing the territory, organized the design competition managed by Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC) to seal the fate of the site. However, the projects proposed then were rejected by the society.

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