Main Management


Grand Paris Specialities

Grand Paris Specialities

(Issue of a magazine 1/2014, page 84)

“Grand Paris” (“The Greater Paris”) is a name of a project launched by the French government to turn the capital into a modern competitive world-class industry metropolis with its own production and sufficient number of workplaces. The Grand Paris is structured in three changes relevant to its core tasks: to create an efficient innovation system, to ensure a balanced growth of socially agglomeration (to prevent further social stratification), make the development of the urban environment under control.

Shanghai Tower as a Mirror of IT-revolution

Shanghai Tower as a Mirror of IT-revolution

(Issue of a magazine 5/2013, page 80)

Substantial completion of Shanghai Tower was announced at the beginning of August. The highest artificially created point of China is located in the central part of Pudong business-district in Shanghai. Qing Ge, supervising engineer and assistant general manager of Shanghai Tower Development told us about the innovative technologies used in the design and erection of the Tower.

Compensation for Damage Caused by Defects

Compensation for Damage Caused by Defects

(Issue of a magazine 2/2013, page 88)

Insurance - is an integral part of the investment and construction process, without which now just impossible to imagine it. The purpose of this article - to give an overview of additional conditions to the contract of insurance of construction and assembly risks relating to damages due to defects, as well as some aspects of their application.

The Heroes of the Present Time

The Heroes of the Present Time

(Issue of a magazine 5/2012, page 118)

The success of any work depends primarily on those who do it. Perhaps, it is most vividly seen in building construction. From the very outset of project implementation it is important to find a reliable partner to go through all the stages of this difficult way. We asked Julia Gulyak, head of Directorate for design at «Cultural and business complex «Lakhta» Ltd. to tell us about the difficulties of working on unique projects and the relationship between developers and designers.

SNiPs or Eurocodes?-2

SNiPs or Eurocodes?-2

(Issue of a magazine 6/2011, page 70)

Our magazine has already published devoted to this subject article by Vladimir Travush, Vladlen Almazov and Yuri Volkov (“SN iPs or Eurocodes?”, “TB ” № 3, 2011), calling for not to rush with the introduction of the Eurocodes in action. In this issue we publish the standpoint of Philip Nikandrov, the Chief Architect of the projects “Ohta Center” and “Lakhta center.”

Team Approach

Team Approach

(Issue of a magazine 4/2011, page 76)

In 1885, Charles William Bovis acquired a modest building business located in London, which later grew into the internationally renowned construction and project management company known today as Bovis Lend Lease.