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Autodesk - Movement Forward

Autodesk - Movement Forward

(Issue of a magazine 4/2015, page 90)

Since Autodesk first entered the market of computer-aided design it has passed more than thirty years. Over the years the industry has changed a lot, but today Autodesk remains the world leader in 2D- and 3D-design. Autodesk Vice President of Global Services Callan Carpenter answered the questions of Tall Buildings magazine.

BIM: From Theory to Practice

BIM: From Theory to Practice

(Issue of a magazine 3/2015, page 84)

By historical standards, a little time has passed since the first computer was created – only several decades. Today we can hardly name any field free from the influence of information technology, which opens up incredible opportunities for people. This general rule makes no exception for architecture and construction. The turn of the century became the time when a revolutionary approach to the architectural and civil engineering is born. It is called BIM, Building Information Modeling.

BIM Technology – the Way to Success

BIM Technology – the Way to Success

(Issue of a magazine 5/2014, page 90)

In the first days of October in Moscow took place a standout event in the field of engineering, design and visualization – International Conference of Autodesk University Russia – 2014. The organizer of this already traditional event is the company Autodesk – the world leader in the development of solutions and services for 3D-modeling, design, graphics and animation. There were about two thousand professionals at the show-floor of the Exhibition Center “Sokolniki”.

On the Issue of Hotels Fire Protection

On the Issue of Hotels Fire Protection

(Issue of a magazine 5/2014, page 96)

An impulse to the rapid construction of new hotels in Russia was given by several factors – amonst these were the Olympic Games in Sochi and the football World Cup. But still the main factor is a real shortage of middle level hotels across the country, beginning from the capital, where this problem is most acute. In Russia these hotels are built by private developers and state corporations for their needs, there are also multiplied famous international hotels such as Hilton, Holiday Inn, Marriott, Hyatt, Park Inn, Mercure, Ibis, Radisson, and so on.

Introduction of BIM: Myths and Realities

Introduction of BIM: Myths and Realities

(Issue of a magazine 4/2014, page 88)

BIM technologies (building information modeling) has an enormous potential to improve the profitability of investment and construction projects. It is due to this that today in Russia BIM implementation into industrial and civil engineering is the goal of the government. Various line ministries, councils and offices participate in its realization.

History and Modern Times

History and Modern Times

(Issue of a magazine 3/2014, page 80)

In the beginning of June in Berlin took place the final round of IX International competition Saint-Gobain Gypsum Trophy for the best projects with the usage of plaster building materials, known in Russia under the brand of GYPROC. Participants of the competition were leading building and contractor entities. This year two Russian projects, which won at the national stage of the competition, took part in Saint-Gobain Gypsum Trophy for the first time.

Expressionism of Krasnogorsk

Expressionism of Krasnogorsk

(Issue of a magazine 2/2014, page 86)

Vigorous growth and often chaotic development of Russian cities in the second half of the 20th century shattered the normal way of living in them, and despite its neighbouring location to the capital, even the Moscow region was no exception either. Further aggravation of the situation happened in the 90s and early 2000s, when the market forces triggered the emergence of faceless neighborhoods deprived of public spaces, infrastructure and transportation, cultural and social facilities.

Year in Review: Tall Trends of  2013

Year in Review: Tall Trends of 2013

(Issue of a magazine 2/2014, page 92)

By all appearances, the small increase in the total number of tall-building completions from 2012 into 2013 is indicative of a return to the prevalent trend of increasing completions each year over the past decade. Perhaps 2012, with its small year-on-year drop in completions, was the last year to register the full effect of the 2008 / 2009 global financial crisis, and a small sigh of relief can be let out in the tall-building industry as we begin 2014.