Main Maintenance


Fire Load and Severity of Fires

Fire Load and Severity of Fires

(Issue of a magazine 6/2013, page 114)

Continued. Starting at number 2, p. 106–110; number 3, p. 114–119; number 4, p. 114–117, number 5, p. 116–119.

Passive Fire Protection

Passive Fire Protection

(Issue of a magazine 5/2013, page 106)

Complex fire protection of high-rise buildings is, perhaps, the most technically challenging thing. Its solution requires a combination of various competences and responsibility of all the participants at all the stages of project realization. The building owner, architectural firm, design, general contractor, subcontractor, assembly and maintenance organizations – everyone must operate within the framework of a unified concept and ideology of efficiency and safety.

Leaving aside the Earth

Leaving aside the Earth

(Issue of a magazine 5/2013, page 112)

For over a hundred years, humanity is pushing upwards, conquering new heights in the skyscrapers construction and step by step crossing the line of hundred meters, five hundred, kilometer... But it is not enough just to build such a structure, it is also necessary to maintain it in operational condition, and the higher it is, the more difficult it is to realize. Transnational Corporation Tractel Group specializes in the development and manufacture of equipment for the maintenance of the tall buildings facades. Company offices are located in 15 countries and spread on four continents. At the basis of Tractel Group strategic development are technological innovations, expenditure control and global marketing, centered on the products, which are popular with professionals all around the world.

Way into Clouds

Way into Clouds

(Issue of a magazine 4/2013, page 106)

According to the United Nations, more than half of the world populations are city dwellers, and by 2050 they will represent 70% of all humanity. The process of enhancing the role of cities and metropolises leads to the development of the maximum enlarged urban conglomerations as structures designed for a rather dense concentration of people. At the same time, of course, the most economically and environmentally promising option for the development of modern cities is their growth up, that is – due to the construction of highrise buildings. According to experts, currently in different parts of the world are built or planned to be erected about 600 buildings over 200 m high. Moreover, to the three ultra-high skyscrapers that have overcome the 500-meter mark, soon will be added twenty similar. Striving upwards - an obvious trend that defines the future of urban development and will continue in the future.

LG Electronics Air Conditioning Training Academy y

LG Electronics Air Conditioning Training Academy y

(Issue of a magazine 3/2013, page 110)

In 2005 the Moscow representative office of LG Electronics announced the launch of a long-term professional development program with both theoretical and practical foci for the people working in the air conditioning industry. This program is aimed at improving the professional skills of companies’ employees that work in management, engineering, installation and servicing of the air conditioning systems that are manufactured by LG Electronics. It is essential for the further growth and development of the company’s business relationships with its partners.

Fire: Ounce of Prevention

Fire: Ounce of Prevention

(Issue of a magazine 3/2013, page 112)

In late May of this year, at the Hotel National, Moscow in the conference hall of “St. Petersburg” took place the Russian-American seminar on fire safety, organized by the “High-Rise Buildings” magazine. The moderator of the event was Leo Razdolsky, a professor at Northwestern University, Illinois, USA . The reportspresentations were submitted by the Senior Vice-President and the Chief of Service of Public Safety of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) August William Schaefer Jr. and the Director of the UL Corporate Researches Pravinray Dhirajlal Gandhi.

Application of VRF Systems in Hotels

Application of VRF Systems in Hotels

(Issue of a magazine 2/2013, page 104)

A modern customer is interested not only in the primary value of equipment, but also in technical advantages of the concrete system whether it is the cost of maintenance or organization of the central control.

Fire Load and Severity of Fires

Fire Load and Severity of Fires

(Issue of a magazine 2/2013, page 106)

Fire loads historically have been established by surveys of typical buildings in various use categories. Live loads used in structural engineering design were established in the identical manner. The relationship between fuel load and fire severity was established by Ingberg in 1928. To achieve this goal, several survey programs were conducted to establish data for representative use categories of buildings. The National Bureau of Standards (NBS) published fuel-load surveys of residential buildings and office buildings. A very detailed study was carried out in Switzerland in 1967–1969 for the Swiss Fire Prevention Association for Industry and Trade.

KONE Lifting Capacity

KONE Lifting Capacity

(Issue of a magazine 5/2012, page 144)

For faster, smoother manpower people flow for over 40 years at construction sites have been used Exterior hoists. To improve safety and efficiency, and speed up construction work, KONE has developed an advanced self-climbing elevator, the KONE JumpLift. The KONE JumpLift uses a temporary machine room that is moved upward as construction progresses.